Full movie



  1. Thanks for sharing this, Adam! 🙂

    it was a beautiful film. I'm really glad I got to watch it!


    The story was so organic and spoke on so many important themes about the struggles. I loved the portrayal of the lead character. The weariness, anxiety and awkwardness of having to deal with this situation for so long and ultimately finding the peace he so desperately wanted with the people in his life. I liked how the film slowly revealed pieces of his life throughout the acts of the movie as well. it kept me on the edge of my seat and eager to see what unfolds next.

    The story with the old man and and his son was really tragic, but it had a bittersweet conclusion. It's unfortunate that many of the older generation don't get it, but at the same time this movie highlights that while many of these people do cruel things, like disowning their children, deep down they do still love their children no matter what.

    And while that's no excuse for their behavior, a lot of us from the new generation should keep that in mind and try to be a little more understanding and forgiving of them. It's really unfortunate because it's clear the old man still looked out for her and regretted the fight and ultimately understood her after doing his research.

    I felt bad for Qin, but I admired how she kept the truth about her feeling for Min to herself. She realized he was happy and finally had an enormous weight lifted from his shoulders. I understood her breakdown and her feelings. I don't think she needed to take it out on Hsien, but i understood her frustrations.

    The daughter was probably the weakest point of the movie, but I think she served the story adequately as the driving force behind how everything unfolds. Kinda wish it was a little longer, with them going a bit into Min and Hsien's relationship. We didn't really get to see how well they got along, or what their chemistry was like unfortunately. 🙁


